A Few reasons to become a referee
Following is a list of steps necessary to become a USA Hockey registered official. Once you have registered with USA Hockey,
the following steps can be completed in any order. As background screening could take up to 2 weeks, it is recommended all perspective officials order a
background screening upon completion of registering with USA Hockey and before beginning the other steps.
Every year, all officials need to register with USA Hockey. New officials are required to register as a Level 1,
returning officials can register for the next level available, up to level 4. The link to register with USA HOCKEY can be found
in the USA HOCKEY Links pull-down menu. Registering with USA HOCKEY must be completed before continuing on
with the remaining steps outlined below. Submission of USA Hockey Officiating Program membership applications for the 2022-23 Season begins on June 1, 2022 and ends December 31, 2022.
All 2022-23 membership registrations must be completed by 11:59pm MT, February 28, 2023. No referee cards and sweater crests will be issued after this date.
Level 1 and 2 officials are required to attend a seminar with an on-ice component to the seminar, and therefore
tend to fill up quickly and it is recommended new officials d sign up for a seminar as quickly as possible. Once you have completed your USA Hockey officiating registration requirements, you will be able to
you will be able register with Norhoa and begin officiating games.
In compliance with requirements from the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC), USA Hockey has implemented a national level background screening policy. This policy requires all individuals over the age of 18 years old, including coaches, officials, board members, employees, volunteers, and anyone else who will have regular contact with, or authority over, athletes under the age of 18, to submit to a background screen before any such contact with those athletes. You can access the background screening process by selecting Background Screening on the USA Hockey Links menu or through a link in your officiating profile. It is recommended all officials signup for their Background screen as soon as possible after registering with USA Hockey.
The safety of its participants is of paramount importance to USA Hockey. USA Hockey Safe Sport is the organization's program related to off-ice safety. All officials 18 years-old and older must complete the U.S. Center for Safe Sport training. This training is aimed at identifying and eliminating hazing, misconduct, and abuse of athletes, coaches, and officials. All training is done online and can be accessed by selecting Safesport Training on the USA Hockey Links menu or through a link in your officiating profile. It is recommended all officials complete the Safesport training as soon as possible after registering with USA Hockey.
All non-tenured USA Hockey officials are required to attend a sanctioned USA Hockey Officials seminar. Level 1 and level 2 seminars will include a classroom session
as well as an on-ice session. Levels 3 and 4 seminar are classroom only and may or may not be held virtually. Officials should not wait to
register for a seminar, as space fills up fast. Several seminars will be held in the area every year between July and December.
An official's registration must be completed prior to registering for a seminar.
NOTE: An official is not required to attend a seminar in their respective state or USA Hockey District. An official may attend any sanctioned seminar in any district and receive credit toward registration.
USA Hockey requires all returning officials(levels 2,3,4) to complete Online Seminar Modules.
Once registered with USA Hockey, you will receive instructions regarding the Online Seminar Modules.
These modules are a mixture of required and elective topics that teach fundamental skills of officiating using video examples, animation, and testing.
You must complete your required hours of training to receive your card and crest.
Returning Level 3 and Level 4 Officials may complete all Elective Category module quizzes prior to completing required module videos. Once the module is launched, please use the video scroll bar to advance to the quiz.
All new and returning officials must complete and pass an open book playing rules exam. Access to the exam will become available 24 hours after submission of your USA Hockey officiating registration.
As this is an open book exam, it is advisable to check your answers using the rulebook and casebook before submitting your answers. Once your answers are submitted, you will receive a results email within a few hours.
An official who "fails" their Open Book Exam will be allowed one (1) re-take exam. The re-take exam will become available seven (7) days after submission of the original Open Book Exam. Once the re-take exam becomes available, the official has thirty (30) days to complete it.
It is suggested you attempt the open book exam prior to your seminar. Bring the exam with you to your seminar and address any questions you may have during the seminar.